Monday, November 29, 2010

To my Guru

To my mentor,guide and Guru who has been with me ,is with me and will be holding my little hand to walk in this life...

Grateful for all the times you have lifted me when I fell,

for all the times you have showered your grace

for all the times you have smiled and said me to 'let go'

for all the times telling me 'I will take care'

for all the times you listened to me with utmost interest

for all the times you gave me surprises by granting my small wishes

for all the times making me feel your presence wherever I am

for all the times you pampered me more than a mother

for all the times comforting me when I did mistakes

for all the times you made me feel very special in this planet.

Love you.....


looking within said...

everything applies to me too:-D

Unknown said...

triple times like:) :) :)
p.s. spl on this planet:)

Ideas... said...
