Sunday, February 2, 2014

The samaritans...

After learning driving for few months, On December, 2013 we decided to take the test. Just before taking the test, wanted to practice on parking. After driving for an hour on the road, we went to a park to do parallel parking. However, it was packed with snow. Even before we realized, our vehicle was stuck in the snow. We had hard time pulling out the car. Tried all the possible options for close to 15-20 minutes. Suddenly from nowhere two people came jogging with their jacket and cap and asked me if anything was wrong. I replied, 'Vehicle is stuck..Can you help?' We pushed the vehicle from front for a while and lo...the vehicle was out. I have no idea how did they come in this snowy winter to this remote park. Probably, the Samaritans were sent by the divine after listening to our prayers. Thanked them profusely and hugged them. Soaking in the divine grace, we went back home. The test did not work out that day since they wouldn't take walkin...anyway, it didn't matter to me. Afterall, we were safe. My 18 month baby too didn't create any fuss in the car.

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