Its easy to source active candidates , who apply in different jobsites..who will be happy to receive your call..will reply promptly to your emails..
What about the passive candidates? who are not looking for job, would have placed their resume in jobboards , may be long time back..would not have submitted resume to your competitors/clients.
job boards like monster,dice,careerbuilder,jobsahead,naukri,timesjobs..might not be of much help.
Open source search tool like Maltego will be of help.
This will be speciallyuseful when you need to find several contacts of same company.
Search engines like google,altavista,line search,yahoo search will provide a platform for the same.
Just see the magic using this in your search engines :
(intitle:resume | inurl:resume) SAP ABAP -job -apply -submit
You will find resumes who work on SAP ABAP.
(resume | homepage | profile | bio) java
You will get candidates working in java in AOL. Sites can be any,,,linkedin.
~resume C++ java 63000..63199 -job -apply -submit
To get C++ java candidates who are based in a region of pincode 63000 to 63199.
To find contacts of a particular company :
oracle corp(intitle:contact | inurl:contact)
just use : (intitle: "resume for" | intitle:"resume of") C++ Java to find canidates of C++,java background.
Alright..enough of it as of now, happy sourcing!
Monster never worked for me, there is a new site called realmatch that is some kind of new job matching technology, might help...dunno
Thanks!!!! :-)
very helpfull post, its intresting....!!!!
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