Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My nephew is two today!!!

Cutie pie, an apple of an eye of everyone, Adeep is two today.For his chubby cheeks, he is popularly known as 'Bedford' by his grand father.

It has been wonderful to enjoy each stages of his development.From looking at his tiny hands hold... smiling innocently in sleep... turning on his back and crawling... walking on his four legs...sitting in the corners and eager to sit under the table... trying to stand... and ever enthusiasm to get up after every fall... standing without holding anyone and feeling of self accomplished mission when standing for more than 3 seconds...walking with support ...and then walking confidently..with curiosity seeing any object and trying to hit it on floor to know its sound, with even more curiosity to know its shape...learning to speak the syllables..kaaya( for 'chaaya'-tea), kaaru(for car)...narrating the difficult words..'illam kozhisseri', 'kakkali' (for thakkali-tomato),strawberry...Adding 'aa' in front of all the words 'abook','akenam'('keranam'-malayalam word for want to climb)..trying to learn the colours blue, green...loving the journeys in train and auto...singing rhymes and enacting, 'twinkle twinkle', 'old macdonald','johny johny','bits of paper','baba black sheep'...recognizing each person these days by face...smiling at every one who comes home ...greeting asking'How are you?','How about you?'...Reading the books of animals stating them buffy(butterfly), fox,kangaroo...Watching cartoons with keen interest...running in front of t.v to see 'zoo zoo ' advertisement...Eating the paste and shaking your hand with the brush and stating 'ee pallechu'(Brushed my teeth)

All these days will still be memorable in our hearts.

Happy birthday dear...

Straight from heart from all in Ammath...



looking within said...

He's very cute:-D I am super excited to meet Devadath this year.
You know what his name means?

looking within said...

I mean meaning of name Adeep, just curious..

Ideas... said...

'Adeep' means light too.